In the midst of COVID, I decided to write a book.
Anyone who writes has, at one time or another, thought about writing a book. I had, but always dismissed it as a crazy idea that didn’t fit into my time schedule.
Last year, I met fellow SATW member (Society of American Travel Writers) Josh Stevens, co-founder of Reedy Press, while he was making business calls in Seattle. Over coffee we discussed his publishing companies, the type of books they published, and their various travel guide series. It was great getting to know Josh, but there wasn’t an opportunity to pursue.
Over the next year, our paths crossed a few times. I purchased a few of the Reedy guide books for when we were traveling (I enjoy the 100 Things series), and I kept up on what they were publishing. In early 2020, while we were under Stay Home, Stay Safe orders, I signed a contract with Reedy to write Secret Seattle: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure.
If you ever want to be humbled by how little you really know about your city, try writing a guidebook!
Right now, I’m knee-deep in the writing stage. As Seattle continues to open up, I have a few more photographs to get, and I’m fact checking research and information assembled. It’s hard work – don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not – and it’s scary. But every day I complete more of the work, inching closer and closer to the finished product.
If you’d like to keep up on the progress of the writing, editing, and eventual publication, you can subscribe for updates in the form below. As always, thanks for your support along my writing journey.